
In the light of the previous and what was decided; the Supreme Council of Universities declared itself in permanent session, session No.(699) that was held in 18\4\2020. The council was held today, on Thursday, corresponding 7\5\2020, to discuss and approve the report of the formed committee in its pointed session to follow the implementation of the council’s decisions that were issued in the mentioned session that is related to the future plan of the studying system and exams of the second semester for the academic year 2019/2020 in the frame of the developments of the global and local situation of the spread the emerging Coronavirus.

The council ended in the light of the developments in order to ensure the interests of all its students that are enrolment in the higher education in the universities and institutions by approval the recommendations of the committee that are sent previously to the university, also the council decided to treat the suspended students or those who applicants from abroad or students with backward subjects from the previous years as the treatment of the newcomer students in term of preparing accepted papers (paper article-research project-research reference ) or passing electronic tests in the curricula that were studied in this semester according to what the council would decide about choosing one of the two alternatives that are mentioned previously according to the mechanisms and controls that have been reported previously in this regard.

The council emphasized on the continuous of applying all the decisions that have been taken in its session No.(699) that were issued about it the decision of the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research No.(1290) for the 2020 year, the council was keen on completing students their semester to implement the minimum of the studying requirements.

Mirna Maher