
General instructions for preserving the health of yours and others

In the light of the instructions of his Excellency Pro.Ahmed Ghallab-Aswan University President with the necessity of following the precautionary measures against corona virus pandemic (Covid-19), the administration of the faculty cautions the academic staff , the university’ workers and students from:

1-entering lectures without wearing masks.

2- shaking hands for ensuring their safety.

3-As well as the necessity of following guideposts inside a studying halls .

4-The necessity of committing to the social distances that shouldn’t to be less than a meter between one colleague and other during the rest hours.

5-The necessity of nonattendance more that one student during completing any administrative measures inside administrative offices of the faculty particularly students’ affairs as preserving for your safety and health.

The administration of the faculty confirms on making periodical and regular sterilization for the faculty and studying halls.    

Mirna Maher